case study
The Dose We Knead: A Pro-vaccination Initiative
Social Media
Total Samples Distributed
Website Footfall
Followers Gained
Campaign Summary

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination uptake was a pressing national social concern. The Baker's Dozen's The Dose We Knead campaign was designed to reward individuals to opt for vaccination in the crucial introductory months where people were sceptical to take the jab. Just like a visit to the doctor's, TBD decided to reward each vaccinated individual with a box of cookies!


In terms of business, cookies has been a fairly new entrant into the Baker's Dozen portfolio, and sampling is a big part of boosting long term sales for the category. Using this campaign as an opportunity to do nationwide sampling, we decided to incentivise audiences from across the country to get the jab. Rather than crowding the already cluttered information pool of medical aid and resources, we concentrated on establishing the brand's position as an essential services brand, your go-to neighbourhood bakery that is always there for you.

Campaign Execution

The essence of the campaign was to motivate people to get the jab by rewarding them with a box of cookies. Through our communications, we brought about the nostalgia of visiting the Doctor's clinic as a child and leaving with a lollipop as a reward for your bravery. The campaign was housed on a microsite and positioned as a separate goodwill initiative unrelated to sales - registrations were also welcomed pan-India.To increase the genuinity of the whole drive, we developed a programme which would cross authenticate peoples' vaccination certificate with their name, thereby preventing misuse of the microsite or the campaign. This programme and microsite also became the data collection checkpoint to receive registrations. As opposed to receiving registrations via DMs, the automation made the workflow of the campaign seamless. You can visit the campaign landing page at covid.thebakersdozen.in.


To promote the campaign, we collaborated with 115+ food influencers and experts, as well as a few handpicked customers with a strong Instagram presence. They gladly joint hands with us to help spread the word. We encouraged and assisted our social media followers to be a part of the drive, demonstrating to them that we are truly there for them with a dose of sweetness in these trying times.


We started our campaign with informative and educative content, stating the facts and importance of getting vaccinated. We also outlined and walked through the entire government registration process, to make it easier for our audience. During the campaign's launch, we created story content that highlighted the campaign's primary communication and intent. During the sustenance phase of the campaign, we ensured we update the audience of the milestones we hit.

The Result

All in all, the campaign attracted more than 20000 website visitors, 8000+ registrations were made and 8000+ samples were distributed, 1037 followers were gained, 323 user-generated stories were shared mentioning the campaign and the brand. Now that's how you do your bit while enhancing your brand positioning and pulling off a nation wide sampling activity!


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